The Klausenberg Rebbe: Combined Edition

By Judah Lifschitz.

The Klausenberg Rebbe: Combined Edition


As World War II raged and Hitler's Final Solution for European Jewry was brutally implemented, the Jewish people desperately needed a leader- a leader of extraordinary intellect, boundless devotion to the Almighty and His people, and most of all, superhuman mesiras nefesh, self sacrifice. Out of the blazing fires of the Nazi inferno came just such a man: Rabbi Yekusiel Yehudah Halberstam, the Klausenberger Rebbe.From a young age his diligence and accomplishments in Torah study and his outstanding character marked him for greatness. But it was in the hellfires of Auschwitz, Dachau, and ...


1583303448, 9781583303443


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